Installers Directory

Find a Flooring Installer in North America, Mexico and Australia

Use this map or the drop-down menu below to find a qualified, expert flooring installer that does business in your state. The independent floor covering installers listed on these pages will use the proper tools, equipment and methods to install your floor coverings. Some also provide materials retail, so be sure to check with them before you purchase your flooring. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at your convenience.

To find an installer, click a state on the map, or select from the drop-down list below.

Flooring Installers of Australia Flooring Installers of Mexico Flooring installers of Canada Flooring Installers of Canada Flooring Installers of Canada Flooring Installers of Canada Flooring Installers of West Virginia Flooring Installers of Maryland Flooring Installers of Delaware Flooring Installers of New Jersey Flooring Installers of Connecticut Flooring Installers of Rhode Island Flooring Installers of Massachusetts Flooring Installers of Vermont Flooring Installers of New Hampshire Flooring Installers of Hawaii Flooring Installers of Maryland Flooring Installers of Delaware Flooring Installers of New Jersey Flooring Installers of Connecticut Flooring Installers of Rhode Island Flooring Installers of New York Flooring Installers of Massachusetts Flooring Installers of Vermont Flooring Installers of New Hampshire Flooring Installers of Maine Flooring Installers of Pennsylvania Flooring Installers of West Virginia Flooring Installers of Virginia Flooring Installers of North Carolina Flooring Installers of South Carolina Flooring Installers of Kentucky Flooring Installers of Indiana Flooring Installers of Ohio Flooring Installers of Michigan Flooring Installers of Wisconsin Flooring Installers of Illinois Flooring Installers of Tennesee Flooring Installers of Florida Flooring Installers of Georgia Flooring Installers of Alabama Flooring Installers of Mississippi Flooring Installers of Louisiana Flooring Installers of Arkansas Flooring Installers of Missouri Flooring Installers of Iowa Flooring Installers of Minnesota Flooring Installers of Texas Flooring Installers of Oklahoma Flooring Installers of Kansas Flooring Installers of Nebraska Flooring Installers of South Dakota Flooring Installers of North Dakota Flooring Installers of New Mexico Flooring Installers of Colorado Flooring Installers of Wyoming Flooring Installers of Montana Flooring Installers of Utah Flooring Installers of Hawaii Flooring Installers of Alaska Flooring Installers of Arizona Flooring Installers of Nevada Flooring Installers of Idaho Flooring Installers of Washington Flooring Installers of Oregon Flooring Installers of California
To find an installer, click a state on the map, or select from the drop-down list below.

If you are a flooring installer and would like a listing here (or need to update an old one), please visit the FITS Certified Listing Request page.